Best of India Travels began as a passion project to draft my travel journeys. But now, it has turned into a full fledged website, which I sincerely try to update once every week.

Discover best places to visit in India and around your neighbourhood. From food and travel recommendations to resort reviews, Best of India Travels is your go-to site to explore the best of our Incredible India.
Best of India Travels was started in 2012, the time I began to travel more and to various states across India. I must say I am impressed by the beauty of the Incredible India. Every city, every town, every hill and every beach of India is unique and has myriad stories attached to it. So, I invite you all to join me in this journey to discover India – raw and rugged.
I solemnly pledge to share my first-hand experience of places to visit in India with all passionate travelers looking for genuine information. This blog is committed to providing information based on my personal experience. My travel itinerary and food recommendations is what you can get through this blog. Accordingly, you can plan a wonderful trip for yourself. Do share your comments to let me know how I can improve. TIA!
If you want me to review your resort or restaurant, kindly get in touch at my email: [email protected]
A Girl on the Run – My first book is out
Also, I have finally published my first book on Amazon. It’s a coming off-age novella. Its my humble request to all the readers to take out some time to check this one out: A Girl on the Run: A tale of Self-discovery and Love eBook : Ahluwalia, Namita: Kindle Store
To order a paperback copy of my book, click here: Buy A Girl On The Run : A tale of Self-discovery and Love Book Online at Low Prices in India | A Girl On The Run : A tale of Self-discovery and Love Reviews & Ratings –